Earth offers the opportunity to verify imaging techniques in the field. Local field areas also allow us to teach students field methodology.
Our group has undertaken several projects in Connecticut to assess plant health using several VNIR and LIDAR datasets which are compered to field surveys. A multi-year field campaign allowed us to develop techniques to identify the invasive species Phragmites australis in airborne and spaceborne multispectral data. Our measurements of the spectral variation of major marsh species over the growing season showed when the species were most spectrally distinct and recognizable.
Connecticut’s legacy of hatmaking has left Hg in the environment. We have assessed the effects of Hg on the spectral characteristics of Brassica sp. to test whether remote sensing can be used to assess the presence and distribution of Hg contamination in plants and soils. VNIR spectra of plants in the field and grown in the laboratory show variations that can be related to the effects of Hg on plant functioning such as the production of chlorophyll.
Milligan G., Poulos H. M., Gilmore M. S., Berlyn G.P., *Milligan J. and Chernoff B. (2019) Estimation of short-term C-fixation in a New England temperate tidal freshwater wetland, Heliyon, 5, e01782.
Gilmore M. S. and Resor P. G., editors, (2015) The 107th Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Guidebook for Field Trips in Connecticut and Massachusetts, 362 pp.
Gilmore M. S., Civco D. L., Wilson E. H., Barrett N., Prisloe S., Hurd J. D. and Chadwick C. (2009) Remote sensing and in situ measurements for delineation and assessment of coastal marshes and their constituent species, in: Remote Sensing of Coastal Environments (Y. Q. Wang, ed.), CRC Press, p. 261-280.
Gilmore M. S., Wilson E. H., Barrett N., Civco D. L., Prisloe S., Hurd J. D. and Chadwick C. (2008) Integrating multi-temporal spectral and structural information to map wetland vegetation in a lower Connecticut River tidal marsh, Remote Sensing of Environment 112, 4048-4060, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2008.05.020
Civco D. L., Gilmore M. S., Wilson E. H., Barrett N., Prisloe S., Hurd J. D. and Chadwick C. (2008) Multitemporal spectroradiometry-guided object-oriented classification of salt marsh vegetation. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society of Optical Engineering, vol. 7110, Article # 7110A, DOI: 10.1117/12.800016
*Dunagan S. C., Gilmore M. S. and Varekamp J. C. (2007) Effects of mercury on visible/near-infrared reflectance spectra of Mustard Spinach plants (Brassica rapa P.), Environmental Pollution 148, 301-311, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2006.10.023
Gilmore M., D.L. Civco, J.D. Hurd, E. Wilson, S.Prisloe, C. Chadwick, and N. Barrett (2007) Object-oriented classification and mapping of salt marsh vegetation using in situ radiometry and multi-seasonal, high resolution satellite remote sensing data. Proceedings MultiTemp 2007, The Fourth International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, Leuven, Belgium, 7 p.
Civco D. L., Hurd, J. D., Prisloe, S. and Gilmore, M. S. (2006) Characterization of coastal wetland systems using multiple remote sensing data types and analytical techniques, Proc. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3442-3446, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2006.883.
Hurd J. D., Civco D. L., Gilmore M. S., Prisloe S. and Wilson E. H. (2006) Tidal wetland classification from Landsat imagery using and integrated pixel-based and object-based classification approach, Proc. 2006 ASPRS Annual Conference, Reno, NV, 11 pp.
Prisloe, S., Wilson E., Civco D. L. Hurd J. D. and Gilmore M. S. (2006) Use of LIDAR data to aid in discriminating and mapping plant communities in tidal marshes of the lower Connecticut river: Preliminary results, Proc. 2006 ASPRS Annual Conference, Reno, NV, 8 pp.
Hurd J. D., Civco D. L., Gilmore M. S., Prisloe S. and Wilson E. H. (2005) Coastal Marsh Characterization Using Satellite Remote Sensing and In Situ Radiometry Data: Preliminary Results, Proc. 2005 ASPRS Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, 12 pp.